I Must Apps You A Question…

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Let’s be honest, when it comes to being prepared for anything in life are you really prepared to your full potential? I can answer that question on the behalf of us all, no. We can rewrite our packing list 100 times, have all the tickets and passports organized, cash on hand, carry-on ready to go, but there is always going to be something that we feel like we haven’t prepared for.

When traveling to new places, especially to foreign countries, it can be very intimidating. Lucky for us, we live in a very digital world that gives us endless access to the internet on our smartphones which leads to the downloading of very helpful apps! When traveling it is very convenient to have travel, converting, event, packing and all other kinds of apps just a thumb click away.

Thats right, I’m about to open a Pandora’s box of apps on you. No worries, this Pandora’s box contains no evil, only very helpful and convenient artifacts!

1) Google Translate

Google Translate is an obvious download if you are about to embark on a trip out of the country. You need to remember that not every country’s first language might be your own. It can be very frustrating when you are in a new place and have no idea where to go, what to do and you can’t communicate with the locals. So please don’t be that traveler who skips over the language barrier and says they will figure it out as they go. Trying to read a different language is a lot harder than trying to speak it, so at least be prepared with some type of translator.

2) Pack Point

If you are like me, you probably refuse to write out a packing list because you think it’s a waste of time. Luckily, I have found PackPoint that pretty much gives you a packing list immediately. It’s very simple, all you do is type in where you are going, the dates of the trip, length of the trip and activities you plan on doing during your trip. Based on what you submitted into the app, under each activity you are given a packing list of useful items that are normally needed. This app gave me suggestions on items I had never even thought of packing that ended up being very useful on my trips.

3) Convert

There is one thing that makes me extremely nervous and that is  traveling out of the country and experiencing different currencies. That is also the one thing that makes me stand still in a confused daze feeling like an idiot. So one app I always love having handy is a converting app. Convert is very straightforward letting you pick what currency you want to convert to another. I love it because before I leave wifi zones it gives me a sense of the difference in the currencies and if I am in a more expensive country.

4) WiFi Map

THE BEST APP IN THE WORLD! How stressful is it to be out of the country and not being able to use the internet or cellular data to keep in contact with loved ones and social media? Extremely stressful. WiFi Map simply takes in your current location and then gives you a never ending list of places that offer free wifi. It is great to map out these locations beforehand where they are easy to find. I have a short memory and very often kid myself saying I will remember things. 

Are you prepared for the great unknown?

Go & Do



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